The following are the vocabulary words and definitions for Unit 1: Geology.
In order to familiarize yourself with this unit, and to better understand the language that will be used, students should study one vocabulary word and its meaning each night , starting September 9, 2015.
Mrs. Jennings will post when a set of words will be given in a quiz or exam. Learning these words will benefit each student a great deal, as it will help students to comprehend and understand what they will be reading, viewing and listening to during this unit.
Students can create vocabulary cards with the word, meaning and a picture copied to each card. Students should also copy each word to the back of their student notebooks or in their STEM planner. (- Vocabulary Source: Concepts and Challenges, Earth Science).
Objectives: 1) Identify and describe the four branches of Earth Science. 2) Name and describe the three main parts of Earth: lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. 3) Describe Earth’s major parts: the crust, the mantle and the core.
Homework: 9/17/15 Due Date: September 21, 2015
Vocabulary Words: Definition/Meaning: List 1
Earth science study of Earth and its history
specialist person who studies or works on only one part of a subject
sphere round, three dimensional object
lithosphere solid part of Earth
hydrosphere part of Earth that is water
atmosphere envelope of gases surrounding Earth
crust solid, thin outer layer of Earth
mantle thick layer of rock below the crust
core innermost region of Earth, center – (outer core & inner core)
globe three dimensional model of Earth’s surface
Objectives: 1) Explain why a globe is the most useful type of Earth map. Describe what happens when the round Earth is shown on a flat map. 2) Explain what a map projection is. Name three kinds of map projections. 3) Explain how hemispheres, latitude,longitude, meridians, and parallels are all related.
Vocabulary Words: Definition/Meaning: List 2
map flat model of earth’s surface
distortion error in shape, size, or distance
map projection drawing of Earth’s surface, or part of it, on a flat surface
parallel horizontal line on a map or globe that circles Earth from east …. to west at intervals starting at the equator.
latitude distance in degrees north or south of the equator
Longitude measurement in degrees east or west of the prime meridian
meridian line on a map or globe running from the North Pole to the …. South Pole along Earth’s surface
scale feature that relates distances on a map to actual distances on …. Earth’s surface
symbol drawing on a map that represents a real object
legend list of map symbols and their meaning
elevation height of a point on Earth above or below sea level
topography general form and shape of the land on Earth’s surface
Objective : Define element and compound. Identify and describe some common compounds.
Vocabulary Words: Definition/Meaning: List 3
atoms smallest part of an element that can be identified as that ……. element
element simple substance that cannot be broken down into simpler …. substances by ordinary chemical means
compound substance made up of two or more elements that are chemically ….. combined
molecule smallest part of a substance that has all the properties of that …… substance
mineral naturally occurring non living solid formed from elements or ….. compounds and having a definite chemical makeup and regular ….. atomic structure
physical property observable characteristic that describes an object
streak color of the powder left by a mineral
luster how a mineral’s surface reflects light
hardness property of a mineral that relates to how much the mineral …. resist being scratched
acid test test that helps identify minerals containing calcium carbonate
density amount of matter in a given volume