May 5, 1961: Freedom 7, the first piloted Mercury spacecraft (No. 7) carrying Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr., was launched from Cape Canaveral by MercuryRedstone (MR3) launch vehicle, to an altitude of 115 nautical miles and a range of 302 miles. It was the first American space flight involving human beings. Shepard demonstrated that individuals can control a vehicle during …
Hello 7th Graders If you are reading this, then you are a head of the assignment that you will receive on Monday October 19, 2015. If you submit a draft of your essay on Monday you can earn 10 BSEA bucks for being pro-active and planning ahead. The following are student assignments for each class. All efforts where made to …
WORLD NEWS: Rocks on Mars
October News 2015: This satellite image acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in July 2015 shows a sand dune moving over a highly-fractured bedrock surface that has been broken by physical stress and temperature change. The leading surface of the sand dune is covered with sand ripples.This is just one out of an enormous field of dunes. Image by NASA …