BSEA NYC Junior Ambassadors Visits The United Nations

For more information about our trip to the United Nations please go to the The Mayor’s Office for International Affairs :




7th Graders Become NYC Junior Ambassadors & Will Visit The United Nations

Our students’ ancestry at BSEA spans from Africa to the Caribbean Islands (Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad,  etc.) where currently several of these countries suffer from various forms of pollution that hinders some of their inhabitants ability to obtain clean water, air and unpolluted soil. Numerous households live with limited electricity and diseases such as asthma that are a result of such pollution. My students have the opportunity to not only study alternative sources of energy to help reduce pollution but to advocate for their usage as Junior Ambassadors in NYC as well as when they travel back home. As STEM students they have another opportunity to take their research even further as they design and create alternative solutions. Pollution is a global problem that all nations must address in order to take better care of our planet and its people.

As NYC Junior Ambassadors working with the Mayors Office and members of the United Nations Staff, our students will have the opportunity to hear and learn from experts as they investigate how to resolve global issues that confront our society in NYC as well as around the world. As a teacher I have an opportunity to expose my students to real world connections and to show students how important it is for us to work collaboratively with other countries in order to take better care of our planet.

I am honored to escort my students to the United Nations on Monday March 21, 2016. for their first United Nations meeting. Their visit will include a briefing on Energy and Climate Change as well as a Curated tour of the United Nations.

Please join me in congratulating the following students for being selected as our first group of cohort students to take part in this ambassadorship. They were selected based on several criteria, including academic achievement & improvement, good character,  maturity, and interest in world wide issues such as climate change, pollution and energy:

Class 701 – Mya, Malachi, Simon, Kaitlyn, Roldy, Gabriel, Andre, 

Arnelie, Ayobami, Shakeema, Terri, Jason, 

Christon, Jerell, Kaela, Heaven, Kyle.

Class 703: Rashaud, Mekaylah, Iesha, Chrispin 

Class 702: Amaya, Sherell, Justin, Brandon, Alyssa, Jamar